Online Shopping site for Laptops, Tablets, Mobiles, TV and more - Exlmart.com
!No H1 Tag
Exlmart.com : Online Shopping India - Buy Laptops, Mobiles, Tablets, PCs, TVs, Home Appliances, etc. In-Store Pickup, Free Shipping & Cash on Delivery.
Electronics, Mobile, Computer, Laptop, Home Appliances, Tablet, TV, Television, Refrigerator, Air Conditioners, Washing Machines, Air Purifier, Microwave Ovens, Dish Washers
Technical Rating
XSS attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-XSS-Protection" not found
User Interface redress attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-Frame-Options" not found
HTTP request response - 200
HTTPS request response - 200
!No Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
Server response time 0,663 sec
!HTML load time 2,258 sec
iHTML length: 702902
A link to a favicon is specified
iNumber of IMGs: 133
!The ALT attribute is not set for all IMGs
Adapted for mobile devices. It uses the VIEWPORT tag
!W3C Validation. Number of HTML errors: 268
W3C Validation. Number of HTML warnings: 11
Uses robots.txt
Uses sitemap
DNS MX record is available. Anti-spam DMARC and ADSP records are available
Exact physical location of Exlmart.com
iCA Montreal 20, place du Commerce
20, Place du Commerce, Île-des-Sœurs, Verdun, Montréal, Agglomération de Montréal, Montréal (06), Québec, H3E 2A5, Canada
Technical Information
iServer: Apache
iExlmart.com created 11 year(s) 11 month(s) 8 day(s) ago (2013-03-24)
iRegistration period ends in (2022-03-24)
iExlmart.com is registered in the LIQUIDNET LTD.
iExlmart.com registered to REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
iСontacts: https://whois.liquidnetlimited.com/contact-admin/exlmart.com
iNameservers: dns1.supremedns.com, dns2.supremedns.com, dns3.supremedns.com, dns4.supremedns.com
iDNS Mail Records: 10
iDMARC Mail Anti Spam Records:
iAuthor Domain Signing Practices Mail Records:
iDNS Certification Authority Authorization Records: 0 issue "sectigo.com"
iRaw DNS Information
MX: 10
CAA: 0 issue "sectigo.com"
The popularity of the site
iHow many links to Exlmart.com on the Internet: 22