ИТ в Беларуси | dev.by

!No H1 Tag

 Главные новости ИТ-индустрии в Беларуси и мире. Каталог белорусских IT-компаний, а также вакансии, статистика зарплат и календарь событий, читайте на dev.by.

 No Keywords

Technical Rating

 XSS attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-XSS-Protection" not found

 User Interface redress attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-Frame-Options" not found

!HTTP request response - 404

 HTTPS request response - 200

!No Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

iHTTPS redirect: https://dev.by/

 Server response time 1,744 sec

!HTML load time 2,781 sec

iHTML length: 97546

 A link to a favicon is specified

iNumber of IMGs: 58

 The ALT attribute is set for all IMGs

 Adapted for mobile devices. It uses the VIEWPORT tag

 Uses robots.txt

 Uses sitemap

Technical Information

iServer: nginx

iRaw IPv4 Information

jwhois version 4.0, Copyright (C) 1999-2007  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; you may
redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Usage: jwhois [OPTIONS] [QUERY]
  --version                  display version number and patch level
  --help                     display this help
  -v, --verbose              verbose debug output
  -c FILE, --config=FILE     use FILE as configuration file
  -h HOST, --host=HOST       explicitly query HOST
  -n, --no-redirect          disable content redirection
  -s, --no-whoisservers      disable whois-servers.net service support
  -a, --raw                  disable reformatting of the query
  -i, --display-redirections display all redirects instead of hiding them
  -p PORT, --port=PORT       use port number PORT (in conjunction with HOST)
  -r, --rwhois               force an rwhois query to be made
  --rwhois-display=DISPLAY   sets the display option in rwhois queries
  --rwhois-limit=LIMIT       sets the maximum number of matches to return
-4, --force-ipv4           force ipv4 address resolution for whois host
-6, --force-ipv6           force ipv6 address resolution for whois host

Report bugs to [email protected]

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