Mua hàng online - Mua sắm trực tuyến tại Hangmuatot.com - Nhà phân phối hàng gia dụng, sức khỏe...
!No H1 Tag
Mua hàng online ✓ Mua sắm uy tín tại hangmuatot.com với các sản phẩm: Đồ gia dụng, Thiết bị y tế & Chăm sóc sức khoẻ, Công cụ & Dụng cụ...
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Technical Rating
XSS attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-XSS-Protection" not found
User Interface redress attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-Frame-Options" not found
HTTP request response - 200
HTTPS request response - 200
Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
iHTTP redirect: https://hangmuatot.com/
!Server response time 8,431 sec
!HTML load time 4,577 sec
iHTML length: 202667
A link to a favicon is specified
iNumber of IMGs: 76
The ALT attribute is set for all IMGs
Adapted for mobile devices. It uses the VIEWPORT tag
!W3C Validation. Number of HTML errors: 49
W3C Validation. Number of HTML warnings: 37
Uses robots.txt
Uses sitemap
Exact physical location of Hangmuatot.com
iVN Ha Noi, VietNam
V+, Phố Trần Văn Lai, Phường Mỹ Đình 1, Quận Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, 0914663166, Việt Nam
Technical Information
iServer: LiteSpeed
iHangmuatot.com created 4 year(s) 6 month(s) 29 day(s) ago (2020-07-29)
iRegistration period ends in (2021-07-29)
iHangmuatot.com is registered in the INET CORPORATION
iHangmuatot.com registered to Nguyen Hoai Khanh
iСontacts: [email protected]
iNameservers: ns1.inet.vn, ns2.inet.vn
iDMARC Mail Anti Spam Records:
iAuthor Domain Signing Practices Mail Records:
iRaw DNS Information
The popularity of the site
iHow many links to Hangmuatot.com on the Internet: 0