Pilihprofesi | Informasi Gaji Profesi
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Pilihprofesi.com adalah sebuah media yang membahas beragam jenis pekerjaan atau profesi dan gaji umr di Indonesia meliputi PNS, Karyawan Swasta, Tenaga Medis, dan Profesi lainnya. Informasi seperti upah, cara mendaftar, dan juga tunjangan kerja akan kami sampaikan.
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Technical Rating
XSS attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-XSS-Protection" not found
User Interface redress attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-Frame-Options" not found
HTTP request response - 200
HTTPS request response - 200
Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
iHTTP redirect: https://www.pilihprofesi.com/
iHTTPS redirect: https://www.pilihprofesi.com/
Server response time 0,8 sec
HTML load time 0,644 sec
iHTML length: 51029
A link to a favicon is specified
iNumber of IMGs: 32
The ALT attribute is set for all IMGs
Adapted for mobile devices. It uses the VIEWPORT tag
W3C Validation. Number of HTML errors: 1
W3C Validation. Number of HTML warnings: 7
Uses robots.txt
Uses sitemap
Exact physical location of Pilihprofesi.com
iFI Hetzner Online GmbH
Technical Information
iServer: nginx
iPilihprofesi.com created 5 year(s) 6 month(s) 29 day(s) ago (2019-07-30)
iRegistration period ends in (2021-07-30)
iPilihprofesi.com is registered in the ONLINENIC INC
iPilihprofesi.com registered to Nanang Setiawan
iСontacts: [email protected]
iNameservers: coco.ns.cloudflare.com, will.ns.cloudflare.com
iDMARC Mail Anti Spam Records:
iAuthor Domain Signing Practices Mail Records:
iRaw DNS Information
The popularity of the site
iHow many links to Pilihprofesi.com on the Internet: 32