Poznański Park Naukowo-Technologiczny - usługi badawcze dla firm, wsparcie startupów, szkolenia, komercjalizacja wiedzy, współpraca z uczelniami, inkubator przedsiębiorczości
!No H1 Tag
PPNT wspiera rozwój firm działających w oparciu o nowe technologie. PPNT posiada również status jednostki naukowej kategorii A, certyfikat EU|BIC.
No Keywords
Technical Rating
XSS attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-XSS-Protection" not found
User Interface redress attack - not protected. HTTP header "X-Frame-Options" not found
HTTP request response - 200
HTTPS request response - 200
Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
iHTTP redirect: https://ppnt.poznan.pl/
Server response time 0,826 sec
HTML load time 0,779 sec
iHTML length: 53764
A link to a favicon is specified
iNumber of IMGs: 29
!The ALT attribute is not set for all IMGs
Adapted for mobile devices. It uses the VIEWPORT tag
!W3C Validation. Number of HTML errors: 11
W3C Validation. Number of HTML warnings: 14
!Doesn't use robots.txt
!Doesn't use a sitemap
DNS MX record is available. Anti-spam DMARC and ADSP records are available
Exact physical location of Ppnt.poznan.pl
iPL Rubiez 46 H
Rubież, Słowieńsko, Gumieńce, Zachód, Szczecin, województwo zachodniopomorskie, 71-034, Polska
Technical Information
iServer: Apache
iDNS TXT Records: "MS=ms29030427"
iDNS Mail Records: 10 antyspam.ppnt.poznan.pl.
iDMARC Mail Anti Spam Records:
iAuthor Domain Signing Practices Mail Records:
iRaw DNS Information
TXT: "MS=ms29030427"
TXT: "586b4538a1bb2d9ccb5d84913f21ded34f6c7a09525ca5d666b5f12fc3404ebd"
TXT: "c130c8b7c7fd328bb10269d6337d3ef57e1aee5765676d3247361c5cd247abe4"
TXT: "efb28912cba198d2ef0ec4a0007c15ed90dac98db23cb05cfeeb24b96aadd88b"
MX: 10 antyspam.ppnt.poznan.pl.
The popularity of the site
iHow many links to Ppnt.poznan.pl on the Internet: 1572